Jax First Aid Supplies

Excellent website for your first aid supplies at work and at home

Find your nearest Defibrillator

Whilst there is no one place to find this out, Defib Finder and the National Defibrillator Database is a good placee to start.

Health & Safety Executive First Aid Website

This website provides information for employers, employees and first aiders on first aid at work and explains the minimum requirements for first aid in the work place.

HSE First Aid FAQs

This website provides information for employers, employees and first aiders on first aid at work and explains the minimum requirements for first aid in the work place.

Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981

This guidance is for employers. It sets out what you need to do to address first-aid provision in the workplace.


More information on the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013. Document INDG453 gives further explanations for the workplace and EDIS1 explains guidance for schools.

Asthma Guidance for Schools

This is a guidance document for the use of emergency salbutamol inhalers in schools by the Department of Health.

Anaphylaxis & Adrenaline Auto-Injectors for Schools

This is a guidance document for the use of adrenaline auto-injectors in schools by the Department of Health. 
Also a useful website for parents and school staff - Spare Pens in Schools.

Okehampton Public Access Defibrillators

OkePADs is a charity in Okehampton that has installed defibrillators and provides free monthly awareness training.
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NHS Quicker

An app that helps you decide where to go and what the waiting times are at local Minor Injury Units and Accident and Emergency Departments.

What 3 Words

what3words is a really simple way to talk about location, especially when calling an ambulance. They have assigned each 3m square in the world a unique 3 word address that will never change.

The Circuit

A national database for registering community defibrillators with the ambulance services across the UK.

Out of Date First Aid Dressings?

Not sure what to do with your out of date bandages?
Prickles in a Pickle or ELM Wildlife Hedgehog Rescue & Rehabilitation are both small Devon charities rescuing injured hedgehogs and wild birds. They always appreciate any out of date unused bandages. Please contact them through their facebook page. Much better than sending them to landfill.

Emergency SMS

If you cannot make voice calls, you can now contact the 999/112 emergency services by SMS text from your mobile phone.


If you cannot make voice calls then there is now a 999 British Sign Language video call translation available.


An interactive computer game that is an excellent revision tool for first aiders produced by the UK Resuscitation Council.

NHS Choices

A great website with advice and guidance for a wide variety of injuries and illnesses.